Responsible Gambling

Gambling can be fun and very entertaining too, but at the end of the day you need to be aware that gambling in any shape or form is also a very risky pastime, and also one that could see you losing vast amounts of cash if things are not going your way when you are playing any type of casino game.

For most players though, by having a set gambling budget and bankroll in place and knowing that as soon as that bankroll has been exhausted, they should stop playing comes very naturally, however some players can go on to experience problems with their gaming activities.

As such below you are going to find the responsible gambling policy here at the website, and I would urge you to read it through as that way you will get an insight into ways you can help yourself always stay in control, and I will also look at ways that you can seek help and support if your gambling activities are getting out of hand too.

Setting Gambling Limits

When you want to ensure that you are never going to spend more money gambling at any casino sites what you should do is make use of the gambling limit option settings when you log into any such site, as that way you can choose a deposit limit and also set your own loss limit too on each session you have.

Take a Break from Gambling

The will often be a setting on the gaming platforms of most online and mobile casino sites that will allow you to select a period that you can set regarding taking a break from your gambling activities at such sites and apps.

If for any reason what so ever you do fancy taking a step back from your gambling activities, then please do consider making use of those options settings.


There will also be a way for you to ban yourself permanently from any casino or gambling sites and apps that you have signed up to, and that will be by you requesting a self-exclusion from those sites or apps.

By doing so though, please do be aware that you are instructing the gambling site or app operator that you have a problem with gambling and wish to be banned form their site, any account you then try to open at those sites will be closed and if you manage to open one and win those sites or apps will not pay you out your winnings nor will they refund any deposits or lose you may have incurred either.

Help and Support

Many people may feel that they cannot take the huge step to giving up gambling on their own and will require some help and support to allow them to quit gambling altogether.

If you do feel that you need some additional help and support or simply wish to contact somebody about any gambling problems that you may be experiencing then please visit the GamCare website or the Gamblers Anonymous website.